There are many peoples are facing computer/laptop performance issues including me even if we have high end CPU and big amount of RAM.

Does more RAM increase Performance?
Does new CPU increase Performance?
Many peoples think that high-end CPU and more RAM make computer/laptop faster? .So they upgrade CPU and add more RAM to make computer/laptop Faster but they still have a problem as before.So you want to know why my computer/Laptop runs slow even I have high-end CPU and a big amount of RAM The main part which many peoples don't know or forget it. It's the Hard Disk. Yes. Hard Disk is the most common causes of computer slow.
How Hard disk slow down the computer?
- Installed Unnecessary Programs
- Fragmented Hard Disk
- Temporary Files
1) Uninstall unnecessary programs
when you install windows on your computer or buy new computer it includes a lot of programs which you will never use. You should delete those programs or software to more free space and reduce the load on the hard disk which will definitely, increase the performance. Uninstall only those programs that you do not need.
Goto > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. Select a program > and then click Uninstall.
2) Fragmented Hard Disk
Fragments are simply pieces of files that aren't placed next to each other on the drive. When a drive has to read pieces of data from different areas on the drive, it can not access the all of the data fast so if the file size is big then hard drive take more time to read and you have to wait.Defragment helps to make accessing files faster.
Here are the Best defragment tools available for optimal performance.
3) Delete Temporary Files
Temporary files used your hard disk and slow down the computer.Temporary files including browsing history cookies. deleting these files also give you free hard disk space and reduce the load on the hard disk. Here are the best temporary files cleaner tools available.
4) Unnecessary Data
There are many peoples store videos, music files on hard drive and keep that files longer even they don't watch that videos and don't listen that music and they never you should delete those video, music files if you don't really need that.
5) Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs
Startup programs runs when your PC or laptop boot. many programs run continuously in the background and taking ram and using CPU and hard disk even you are not using them.
How To Disable Startup Programs?
Open RUN ,type "msconfig". click ok.System configration will appear open startup tab and uncheck those programs you wish to disable when your computer start.
If your are using Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. then open Task Manager and click startup tab and select program you wish to disable when computer start.
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